Tools for Teaching Cultural Sensitivity – Video

On January 17 2023, the first webinar of the CultSense Webinar Series was organized. These webinars are focused on raising awareness among young travellers as well as sharing insights from other (international) projects.

The first webinar, entitled “Tools for teaching culture sensitivity” featured professionals who presented their projects.

The first presentation was given by Alicia Betts, who leads the internationalization project of the University of Girona and spoke about the COIL methodology (cultural exchanges and innovative methodology).

With an introduction by Silvia Aulet, University of Girona, and moderator by Lénia Marques from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the projects of the round table were represented by:

  • Anna Rodríguez from, a project that started with a blog, and today leads intercultural projects.
  • Davide Tonon from Nexes Interculturals, an intercultural project that aims to promote social and sustainable transformation through education for peace and global justice, as well as understanding the richness of diversity.
  • Mónica Herrera from Migratory Birds, an intercultural educational project that has been carried out in La Plana (Vic) for 3 years, where the school works on people movements and globalization. It is born from the school’s need to work on interculturality.

This webinar created a discussion about the tools we have today for cultural sensitivity.

You can click here to watch the video of this webinar.

The CultSense team is grateful to all speakers for sharing their views, knowledge and contributing to such a rich discussion.