Conference Bridging Cultures Through Travel
Submissions closed!
We are very happy to invite all to our final conference, in June 14-15 2023, taking place at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Please see below our Call for Papers, with deadline for submission 15 February 2023. Detailed information about the student workshop and video competition will follow shortly. Registrations will be open from October 2022 on the ATLAS website, where practical details are also available.
Contact: cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl or admin@atlas-euro.org
Organising committee: Lénia Marques, Siri Driessen, Greg Richards, Maria del Pilar Leal, Fernanda Rodríguez
Keynote Speakers

Dr Emily Höckert is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lapland, Finland. Her research cultivates relational ways of being, imagining, knowing, and acting in tourism settings. She approaches the questions of cultural sensitivity and hospitality at the crossroads of hermeneutic phenomenology and postcolonial philosophy, asking, for instance, how different kinds of hosts and guests welcome and take care of each other. Between 2019-2021, Emily worked as part of ARCTISEN project team that explored the questions of cultural sensitivity in Arctic tourism settings and developed toolkits and online courses for enhancing sensitive orientation to otherness. She is also a member of “Intra-living in the Anthropocene” and “Sustainable Naturecultures and Multispecies Future” research communities that both examine the interaction between northern areas, people and the environment.
Cultural Sensitivity in Arctic Tourism
How might the notion of cultural sensitivity shape tourism encounters? The aim of my talk is to explore conceptual understandings of cultural sensitivity in relation to Arctic tourism where local and Indigenous livelihoods and environments are entangled with tourism growth, climate change, and colonial power relations. Cultural sensitivity is approached here as a subjective orientation towards otherness; that is, as an orientation that can be described in ethnocentric and ethnorelative terms. Building on article Cultural Sensitivity: Engaging Difference in Tourism (Viken, Höckert & Grimwood, 2021) my talk proposes a framework for approaching tourism services, products and encounters in ways that enhance recognition, respect and reciprocity towards otherness. Finally, the proposed relational approach calls for further reflection on entanglements between culture and nature in tourism processes.

Wil Munsters is emeritus professor of Tourism and Culture at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. He has published a monograph on cultural tourism as well as tourism studies focusing on built heritage, museums, events, gastronomy, hospitality, cultural destinations, market development, sustainability, and research models. He has also co-edited books on cultural tourism research methodology and on anthropology as a driver for tourism research. As a member of ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research), he was involved in the international Cultural Tourism Research Project from 1994 to 2022.
Tourism as a Binding Agent between Cultures: Intercultural Pitfalls and Educational Challenges
The role that tourism can play in bridging gaps between cultures has to be considered in the broader perspective of the discussion on the benefits and the disadvantages of tourism for culture. What may be good for tourism is not necessarily good for culture and vice versa. An illustrative case of the negative impact of cultural tourism is provided by the abuse of animals at exotic destinations to satisfy the needs of a special type of Western travellers, who are driven by cultural omnivorousness and the desire to distinguish themselves from the mass. In order to avoid the pitfall of Western ethnocentrism ending up in accusations of indigenous barbarism stimulated by the experience hunger of foreign visitors, this controversial form of animal tourism needs to be reflected on from an intercultural point of view, which helps to understand that non-Western local communities have different attitudes towards animals and their wellbeing. In addition, one should realize that the same kind of tourism also exists in Western cultural communities. So cultural relativism would be appropriate. Sustainable solutions for the pitfalls of intercultural tourism must be sought in raising of tourist’s awareness by means of information, education and communication. To achieve this goal, it is essential that tourism and hospitality professionals possess the required intercultural competence, i.e. the knowledge, skills and attitude that enable them to act as qualified mediators between guests and hosts from different cultural backgrounds. How this challenge is being faced at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences can be demonstrated by the contributions of the research centre Global Minds @ Work to the development of young professionals’ global competence through innovative applied research and education.
Guest speakers

Migrantour Utrecht, part of a Migrantour network of 25+ cities and rural areas throughout Europe, is hosted by De Voorkamer. Migrantour Utrecht believes that sharing personal stories offers valuable perspective and creates meaningful bonds between people. This is why we set our feet on the streets to discover places through stories and together pave grassroots paths towards greater social inclusion. For further information, visit: https://migrantourguide.eu/storymaps/utrecht/ You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn or by emailing migrantourutrecht@devoorkamer.org


The call is also in Spanish and Portuguese. See below.
Call for Papers
Bridging Cultures through Travel: From theory to practice
Conference by CultSense Project & ATLAS SIG Cultural Tourism
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
14-15 June 2023
Call for papers
How can travel encourage cultural sensitivity? In a post-pandemic world, travel and tourism have been regaining popularity. With this regained popularity comes a renewed pressure on local hosts and sites because of increasing visiting numbers. Can cultural sensitivity be a tool to mitigate tensions between hosts and visitors? For the last two years, the CultSense project (CultSense – Sensitizing Young Travellers for Local cultures, www.cultense.com) has focused on addressing this question. In this conference, a joint venture of CultSense and the ATLAS Special Interest Group on Cultural Tourism, we will further explore ways to bridge cultures via travel. Can cultural sensitivity be a competence that (tourism) education can work with? How can travel impact students and visitors’ knowledge and skills? In which ways can touristic experiences function as a means to bridge cultures? We are also interested in exploring how (local) cultural and artistic expressions contribute to, and benefit from culturally sensitive practices. We invite participants to submit their abstract in one of four streams:
- Educational Experiences
- Academic Research
- Cases
- Posters
We invite the submission of papers, cases and posters, which can relate to the following sub-themes including (but not limited to):
- Cultural sensitivity and travelling
- Cultural sensitivity
- Intangible cultural experiences
- Social media for cultural sensitivity
- Mobile Cultures
- Empathy and emotions in travel
- Multiple Belongings
- Tourism encounters and emotions
- Popular cultural expressions (music, festivals, dance, etc.)
- Tangible and intangible heritage
- Mindful tourism
- Student experiences and (intercultural) tourism education
- Intercultural education and communication
- Bridging cultures through education
- Enabling change makers and ambassadors for change
- Erasmus / international exchanges
- Bridging cultures
- Art and gastronomy as a bridge for cultures
- Cultural Institutions and bridging cultures
- Spirituality for Bridging (religious) cultures
- Diversity and Inclusivity
- (Destination) Marketing, Place Branding as a bridge between cultures
The main language of the conference will be English, but to encourage linguistic diversity we will also be welcoming panels in other languages. If you want to organize a panel in language other than English, please do get in touch with us at cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl . Within the conference, we will host student panels as well as a video competition. Details will be made available on the CultSense website soon!
Abstracts (200-250 words) should be submitted until the 15 February 2023. Abstract submission will be open on the ATLAS Website from October 2022.
Please note that we are exploring the possibility of a special issue and a book with reputed publishers.
Practical information and applicable fees are available here.
Convocatoria de comunicaciones
Uniendo culturas a través de los viajes: De la teoría a la práctica
14-15 de junio de 2023
Universidad Erasmus de Rotterdam, Países Bajos
Fechas importantes
Envío de resúmenes antes del 15 de febrero de 2023
Para más información, visite el sitio web de ATLAS / CultSense
¿Cómo pueden los viajes fomentar la sensibilidad cultural? En un mundo pospandémico, los viajes y el turismo han recuperado popularidad. Esta recuperación de la popularidad conlleva una presión renovada sobre los anfitriones y los lugares locales debido al aumento del número de visitantes. ¿Puede la sensibilidad cultural ser una herramienta para mitigar las tensiones entre anfitriones y visitantes? Durante los dos últimos años, el proyecto CultSense (CultSense – Sensitizing Young Travellers for Local Cultures, www.cultense.com) se ha centrado en abordar esta cuestión. En esta conferencia, una iniciativa conjunta de CultSense y el Grupo de Interés Especial ATLAS sobre Turismo Cultural, seguiremos explorando formas de tender puentes entre culturas a través de los viajes.
¿Puede ser la sensibilidad cultural una competencia con la que pueda trabajar la educación (turística)? ¿Cómo pueden influir los viajes en los conocimientos y habilidades de estudiantes y visitantes? ¿De qué manera pueden servir las experiencias turísticas para tender puentes entre culturas? También nos interesa explorar cómo las expresiones culturales y artísticas (locales) contribuyen a las prácticas de sensibilidad cultural y se benefician de ellas. Invitamos a los participantes a presentar sus resúmenes en una de las cuatro vertientes:
- Experiencias educativas
- Investigación académica
- Casos
- Carteles
Invitamos a la presentación de ponencias, casos y carteles, que pueden estar relacionados con los siguientes subtemas, incluyendo (pero no limitado a):
1. Sensibilidad cultural y viajes
- Sensibilidad cultural
- Experiencias culturales intangibles
- Los medios sociales al servicio de la sensibilidad cultural
- Culturas móviles
- Empatía y emociones en los viajes
- Pertenencias múltiples
- Encuentros y emociones en el turismo
- Expresiones culturales populares (música, fiestas, danza, etc.)
- Patrimonio material e inmaterial
- Turismo Mindful
2. Experiencias de los estudiantes y educación turística (intercultural)
- Educación y comunicación interculturales
- Uniendo culturas a través de la educación
- Capacitar a los agentes y embajadores del cambio
- Erasmus / intercambios internacionales
3. Uniendo culturas
- El arte y la gastronomía como puente de culturas
- Instituciones culturales y culturas puente
- Espiritualidad para unir culturas (religiosas)
- Diversidad e inclusión
- (Destino) Marketing, Marca de lugar como puente entre culturas
El idioma principal de la conferencia será el inglés, pero para fomentar la diversidad lingüística también acogeremos paneles en otros idiomas. Si desea organizar un panel en un idioma distinto del inglés, póngase en contacto con nosotros en cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl. Dentro de la conferencia, organizaremos paneles de estudiantes, así como un concurso de vídeo. Los detalles se publicarán en breve en el sitio web de CultSense.
Los resúmenes (200-250 palabras) deberán enviarse hasta el 15 de febrero de 2023. La presentación de resúmenes está abierta en el sitio web de ATLAS (enviar).
Estamos estudiando la posibilidad de publicar un número especial y un libro con editoriales de renombre.
Contacto: admin@atlas-euro.org / cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl
Comité organizador:
Lénia Marques, Siri Driessen, Greg Richards, Maria del Pilar Leal Londoño, Fernanda Rodríguez
Convocatória de comunicações
A Viagem como Ponte entre Culturas: Da Teoria à Prática
14-15 de junho de 2023
Universidade Erasmus Rotterdam, Países Baixos
Datas importantes
Envio de resumos antes de 15 de fevereiro de 2023
Para mais informação, visite os websites da ATLAS ou CultSense
Como as viagens podem promover a sensibilidade cultural? Em um mundo pós-pandêmico, as viagens e o turismo recuperaram a popularidade. Essa recuperação da popularidade traz uma pressão renovada sobre os anfitriões e locais devido ao aumento do número de visitantes. A sensibilidade cultural pode ser uma ferramenta para mitigar tensões entre anfitriões e visitantes? Nos últimos dois anos, o projeto CultSense (CultSense – Sensitizing Young Travellers for Local Cultures, www.cultense.com) concentrou-se em abordar esta questão. Nesta conferência, uma iniciativa conjunta do CultSense e do Grupo de Turismo Cultural da ATLAS, continuaremos a explorar maneiras de construir pontes entre culturas por meio de viagens.
A sensibilidade cultural pode ser uma competência com a qual a educação (turística) pode trabalhar? Como as viagens podem impactar o conhecimento e as habilidades dos alunos e visitantes? De que forma a experiência turística pode funcionar como meio de ponte entre culturas? Também nos interessa explorar como as expressões culturais e artísticas (locais) contribuem para as práticas de sensibilidade cultural e se beneficiam delas. Convidamos os participantes a apresentar seus resumos em uma das quatro vertentes:
- Experiências educativas
- Pesquisa acadêmica
- Casos
- Pôsteres
Convidamos a submissão de comunicações, casos e pôsteres, que podem estar relacionados aos seguintes subtemas, incluindo (mas não se limitando a):
1. Sensibilidade cultural e viagens
- Sensibilidade cultural
- Experiências culturais intangíveis
- Mídias sociais para a sensibilidade cultural
- Culturas de mobilidade
- Empatia e emoções nas viagens
- Sentidos de Pertença
- Encontros e emoções no turismo
- Expressões culturais populares (música, festas, dança, etc.)
- Patrimônio material e imaterial
- Turismo Mindful
2. Experiências dos estudantes e educação turística (intercultural)
- Educação e comunicação interculturais
- Unindo culturas através da educação
- Capacitar os agentes e embaixadores da mudança
- Erasmus / intercâmbios internacionais
3. Unindo culturas
- A arte e a gastronomia como ponte de culturas
- Instituições culturais e pontes culturais
- Espiritualidade para unir culturas (religiosas)
- Diversidade e inclusão
- (Destino) Marketing, Marca de lugar como ponte entre culturas
O idioma principal da conferência será o inglês, mas para incentivar a diversidade linguística também realizaremos painéis em outros idiomas. Se você gostaria de organizar um painel em um idioma diferente do inglês, entre em contato conosco em cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl. Dentro da conferência, organizaremos painéis de estudantes, bem como um concurso de vídeo. Os detalhes serão publicados no site do CultSense em breve.
Os resumos (200-250 palavras) devem ser enviados até 15 de fevereiro de 2023. A submissão de resumos pode ser feita na página web da ATLAS (submeter).
Estamos explorando a possibilidade de publicar um número especial e um livro com editoras renomadas.
Contato: admin@atlas-euro.org / cultsense@eshcc.eur.nl
Comitê organizador:
Lénia Marques, Siri Driessen, Greg Richards, Maria del Pilar Leal, Fernanda Rodríguez