The sixth and final issue of CultSense Insights is out now! The CultSense Insights issues featured the news from the partnership to keep our audience…
It is with pleasure that we share the many updates of the project in this fifth number of CultSense Insights. It includes events, tools, and…
In our CultSense Insights you can get to know about the many activities carried out by the project. In this Autumn 2022 issue we invite…
The CultSense project had a few very fruitful last months. In our CultSense Insights of June 2022, you can read the highlights of our project.…
This second number of CultSense Insights presents new content produced by the project as well as past and future events. CultSense is open to collaborations…
The first number of CultSense Insights provides an overview of the project activities in its first year of existence. Click here to read it.